New England Fish & Seasonality 

Just like fruits and vegetables, some seafood is only available during certain seasons.

While some fish stay in New England all season long (including our groundfish), others only hang around in the area for a season or two before moving somewhere else. 

That’s why you won't find fresh local striped bass during the winter and squid are only around for a handful of weeks in the spring. 

Below is a list of our local fish and their seasonality.  Want to learn new ways to cook and prepare our local fish? Check out our recipe page, too! 

In Season
All Year Long


  • Skate
    Can eat the fins and the cheeks

  • Monkfish (also known as "Goosefish" or "Poor Man's Lobster")
    Can eat the loin and the cheeks

  • Hake

  • Acadian Redfish (also know as "Ocean Perch")

  • Dabs

  • Atlantic Pollock

  • Haddock


(well known & utilized)

  • Dry Sea Scallops

  • Steamers

  • Oysters

  • Atlantic Cod



Dogfish, Bluefish and Scup.

Swordfish, and Yellowfin Tuna



Bluefish,  Scup/Porgy, Squid



Bay Scallops and Sea Urchin (also known as “Uni”)



Tautog("Blackfish"), Black Sea Bass, Scup, Dogfish, Tilefish, Bluefish, and Striped Bass.  

Yellowfin Tuna and Swordfish

These Are Our Local Fish!

These Are Our Local Fish!

These are #ourwickedfish !

New England Seafood Seasonal Availability Charts

Red's Best Availability Chart created by Red's Best of Boston and the Massachusetts Seafood Availability Chart, created by the Division of Marine Fisheries, makes it easy to choose a fish or shellfish according to the seasons! Print these charts out or refer to Our Wicked Fish for when you need a reminder 


Meet Your Fish


Meet The Community